If you’re a first-time landlord, or you’re getting ready to welcome a new set of tenants into your existing let, there are certain things you need do before the new tenants move in.
What could be better for your health than setting sail on a cruise? You’re surrounded by the beautiful blue of the ocean, you’re waited on hand and foot, there’s loads to do, amazing places to see, and a delicious supply of food and drink. What’s not to like?
The freedom that comes with reaching retirement, or near retirement age, is great for many reasons but one of the best has to be the chance to travel and explore the world. Children are grown up, budgets are often bigger, and we have fewer work commitments tying us to desks at home. It’s the ideal time to throw ourselves into amazing travel experiences and collect some stamps in our passports.
It seems we can’t get enough of cruising. According to data from Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA), 30 million people are expected to set sail on a cruise ship this year. Ten years ago, that figure was 17.8 million.
It’s the ultimate nightmare scenario. You’ve had a hard week’s work and the weather looks like it’ll be good over the weekend, so you decide to drive up to your small holiday cottage that you fell in love with the first time you saw it.
It’s been looming over landlords for a while, but the Tenants Fees Act finally came into force in England at the start of June. Designed to reduce hidden costs for tenants, the new Act has implications for tenants, landlords and letting agents.
Staycations are getting more popular in the UK. Uncertainty over Brexit, a weaker pound and the desire for more convenience have led many holidaymakers to stay put rather than jetting off for a break overseas.
Did you know, over a quarter of Brits travel abroad each year without having the right travel insurance? It’s a worryingly high figure, especially if you are traveling with a pre-existing medical condition. And when you start looking at the numbers, the situation becomes even more alarming.
Thinking of investing in a holiday let? While you can certainly make money as a landlord, running a lakeside retreat or a seaside apartment is not all plain sailing. To make sure your holiday home doesn’t turn into a holiday headache, you need to factor in all the costs involved right from the start. So in this guide to holiday let running costs, we’ll cover everything you need to think about - from agents’ fees to holiday home insurance. That way, you won’t get caught out by any nasty surprises.
Thinking about buying a holiday home? If recent trends are anything to go by, the UK holiday market is set for another booming year with searches and bookings for domestic stays going up by a third compared to last year. This could mean a very profitable investment if you decide to take the plunge.
Having a skilled trade under your belt can set you up with a job for life. As Logic4training, the UK’s leading building services training provider points out, there are many reasons why people choose the skilled trades as a long-term career option.
We all need a holiday from time to time. Holidays are the perfect way to escape from the norm, enjoy a change of scenery and spend time with friends and family. They let you do as little or as much as possible. Whether you’re relaxing on a beach or trying out the latest high-octane adventure sport, travelling is good for the mind, body and soul.