
Businesses like yours in the hospitality industry are often at the very heart of their local communities, providing a friendly welcome, delicious food and much else besides. But with the COVID-19 pandemic still very much part of our lives we’ve seen a devastating impact on pubs, bars, restaurants and other venues across the country.

With threats to force venues to close again there’s never been a more important time for everyone to play their part. One way is to display NHS QR posters in your venues to help stop the virus spreading. Read on to find out all you need to know about this important health information signage.

Remember, arranging the correct commercial business insurance is so important at this time – both for you, your staff and the customers who rely on you to be there whatever happens.

Why you should display an NHS QR code poster

The official NHS QR code poster for hospitality venues was launched in September 2020 alongside orders for venues to enforce the rule of 6 and to maintain records of customer contact details. The posters are to be displayed in accessible locations, ideally at entrances or relevant areas within your venue.

They contain a unique QR code that customers are required to scan with their smartphone using the NHS COVID-19 app. This enables them to quickly, simply, securely and anonymously register that they’ve been to your venue. Having a digital diary of the places they've visited is invaluable for contact tracing and helps visitors to quickly receive public health advice if necessary.

If your customers choose to check-in using the QR code poster they do not need to log in via any other route. However, you’re expected to make sure they’re aware of the rules around QR codes by not only displaying the posters but also speaking to them directly.

If someone does not wish to share their details, provides incorrect information or chooses not to scan the NHS QR code, then you should encourage them to do so – unless they’re in a group where at least one other member has provided their name and contact details or has scanned the NHS QR code.

Displaying this NHS QR code poster means you’re helping to protect your patrons and your staff. These measures are on top of all the great work businesses are already doing in tackling the virus by putting in place COVID-secure measures in their venues.

How to create an NHS QR poster

Creating a poster unique to your venue couldn’t be easier. Simply go to the government website, register your details and follow the instructions. Before you start, you'll need:

  • Your email address.
  • The address details for each of your venues.
  • An email address and contact phone number for each of your locations (for example, contact details of a bar or restaurant manager if that’s not you).

You’ll then be sent a unique QR poster for each of your venues via email. Download and print out as many of these as you need and display them in a visible and safe position. If you have more than one venue, then a different QR poster will be needed for each. The QR poster can also be displayed on a screen such as a TV or tablet for customers to scan.
A graphic of a person using their phone to scan a QR code poaster

Dos and don’ts of displaying your QR poster

Do print the entirety of the poster as it is emailed to you. This must include the header and footer. The minimum size for the poster is A4.
Do place one poster no higher than around 130cm above the ground. It must be within easy reach for wheelchair users.
Do if possible, display a poster next to your front window or entrance.
Do display the poster at every entrance. Display some inside if possible, so as to prevent people from queuing.
Do make sure your posters are in a visible and safe position, where they cannot be easily removed.
Do place posters in easy to reach places, where people can walk past without creating an obstacle.
Don’t place the poster on sliding or revolving doors or where there is a lot of glare from the sun.
Don’t customise the poster.
Don’t place the poster in hard-to-see places. Avoid high up or narrow areas where they might be missed.
Don’t wrap the poster around a pole. Just as with shop barcodes this can make the QR code hard to scan.
Don’t print posters on glossy surfaces such as laminate or high gloss paper. The glare might make it more difficult for a phone camera to recognise them correctly.

What if you fail to display a poster?

It’s an important legal requirement to collect contact details and maintain records for NHS Test and Trace. Failure to do so could see you receive a large fine. At the time of writing, the fines are:

  • First fixed penalty: £1,000
  • Second fixed penalty: £2,000
  • Third fixed penalty: £4,000
  • Any further penalty notice: £10,000

Leaving the responsibility to someone else is not a wise idea, as it’s the person responsible for the business who is liable for any fines. So, whether you’re the owner, proprietor or manager with overall responsibility of the business you could be hit with a fine.

Just as with arranging the correct commercial insurance to cover your business, staff and visitors, this is a vital part of business management.

Protect your business with commercial insurance cover

No matter what measures you’ve taken to avoid the spread of COVID-19 in your venue, if you don’t protect your business with commercial insurance, you’re leaving yourself open to a costly disaster.

At Insurance Choice Commercial, we’ve spent over 20 years arranging insurance and understand the risks for those running pubs, bars, restaurants and other hospitality businesses. Our dedicated team can arrange insurance tailored to your individual needs.

Insurance policies arranged through Insurance Choice Commercial could cover:

  • Buildings and contents
  • Business interruption
  • Employers’ liability up to £10 million
  • Public and product liability up to £5 million

Get a quick quote for insurance for commercial businesses today.

Policy benefits, features and discounts offered may very between insurance schemes or cover selected and are subject to underwriting criteria. Information contained within this article is accurate at the time of publishing but may be subject to change.