
Do you long for blue skies, breath-taking views and a simpler way of life? Well, who doesn’t?
Brits have been besotted with the idea of owning a holiday home overseas for some time. Why stay in the UK with its unpredictable weather, high cost of living and political uncertainty?
Looking for a holiday home abroad has become a popular pastime for many Brits. So where are the most in-demand locations for property hunters?


Most popular destinations to buy a holiday home

Research by aplaceinthesun.com gives us an idea of which countries are most favoured. Here’s their list of the most popular destinations to buy a holiday home.

1. Spain

Spain has been the numero uno property-buying destination for Brits – and it seems not even Brexit uncertainty is enough to put us off. If anything, there’s a real sense of ‘now or never’ when it comes to taking the plunge. With property prices in Spain significantly lower than those in Portugal, it’s easy to see the appeal. And the most popular location for holiday homes? The Costa Brava!

2. France

Second on the list is France with its easy access, good food, affordable properties and choice of beaches, villages or skiing. Buyers looking for a potential holiday home across the Channel have remained active in recent years, favouring holiday homes in the Dordogne and Brittany.

3. Portugal

The locals in Portugal are friendly and laid back, making it a popular choice. The country also offers some appealing tax benefits so it’s no surprise that it’s number three on the list. It might not have the cheapest properties on offer, but those with larger budgets are making the move to Portugal – Madonna, for example, has a property in Sintra.

4. Greece

It’s been a tough few years for Greece, but it looks like things are on the up. Debt issues aside, this beautiful country is still charming overseas buyers with its crystal clear waters, stunning beaches and picturesque villages. Crete is a popular option, largely because of the volume of properties on offer compared to other smaller islands, better flight links and overall amenities on the island.

5. Italy

Italy takes fifth place on the list proving that Brits are still looking for la dolce vita. Famed for its warm hospitality, stunning stone houses that are crying out to be renovated and its proximity to the UK has meant UK property buyers have an appetite for the Italian way of life. Once there, you could be rubbing shoulders with the likes of George Clooney, Helen Mirren and Sting, who all own Italian holiday homes.
Completing the top ten list of the most popular destinations to buy a holiday home are Cyprus, Florida, Turkey, Bulgaria, and Barbados. Taking ninth and tenth spots, Bulgaria and Barbados are new entries on the list for 2019.
A women having breakfast in holiday home overlooking scenic ocean view

Why are people buying in these destinations?

So, where is the best place to buy property? There are a number of reasons why someone will choose to buy a particular holiday home over another. Here are some of the questions property hunters are asking themselves...

Where are the cheapest holiday home locations?

When it comes to buying a second home, price is a major consideration as property in some countries is more expensive than others. According to a report by Rightmove Overseas, the cheapest place to buy a property is Turkey where the average inquiry price is £82,000. The most popular locations include Mugla, Antalya and Istanbul. Whatever you pay for a property, always get quality holiday home insurance to protect your new property and its contents.

Where can I buy a holiday home for guaranteed sunshine?

Unsurprisingly, all of the most popular places to buy a holiday home in Europe are warmer and sunnier than the UK. If you’re looking for the hottest temperatures, then you might want to consider Cyprus, Malta or Greece. But if you’d rather quantity (i.e. the most hours of sunshine), then Croatia, Portugal or Cyprus are your best bets.

What holiday home destinations are the most convenient to get to?

If you’re looking for a holiday home that you can ‘pop’ to, then France is a good shout. With plenty of ferries to the north of the country and flight times from just 55 minutes and less than £50, there’s nothing stopping you from heading over for a last-minute weekend break. However, the most popular location for holiday homes in France is in the south, to get there flight times are twice as long.

Where will get year-round income from a holiday home?

If you want to rent out the property, somewhere with year-round appeal will see the strongest rental yields. For example, many properties in France offer hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter. Proximity to a bustling city is a big draw. Plus, one or two-bedroom properties have higher occupancy throughout the year. But be careful about buying purely for the rental market, if you want to spend time there, you need to think about what you want as well! Whether you’re renting or not, make sure you have the right holiday home insurance cover in place for peace of mind.

Tips for what to do when you do buy

When buying a property overseas there’s lots to think about. Here are four tips to help you get it right.
Local property laws: Make sure you know the laws of the land inside out for the country in which you are buying. Check for restrictions on land and property ownership and any other legal considerations.
Local transport: You’ll have done your research on transport links to your new holiday home, but make sure you do the same for local transport options. How will you get to shops, restaurants and a hospital (just in case)?
Local market: If buying your property as a buy to let, be aware of the local market. Highlight any USPs such as sea views or swimming pools so you can position yourself in the property market.
Holiday home insurance: Make sure your property and its contents are protected with holiday home insurance. Whether you are buying the property for your own use or as a rental investment, you will need quality holiday home insurance – most insurers won’t insure an overseas property under a standard home insurance policy.
At Insurance Choice we can help you find the right holiday home insurance for you, making sure the property is protected against fire, accidents, theft and weather damage. Holiday homes are often left empty for longer periods of time than standard homes, so there is a greater risk of them being broken into.
To find out more and get a quote speak to the Insurance Choice team on 01926 454349 or request a callback.