
Technology has evolved in the past few years and has aided us explorers to get the most from travelling; whether it’s making local information more accessible, or providing a whole library of hand-picked great reads to get lost in whilst you set sail on the adventure of a lifetime. There is bound to be the technology and applications to make your trip truly unforgettable.


Here, we take a look at our favourite devices and apps that you may want to consider downloading or purchasing before you travel; from fitness trackers, to quick and easy devices helping to translate languages for you on the go.

  1. Amazon Kindle Fire HD – This amazing piece of technology is one of the top e-readers. You can download and store books to accompany you on your trip, which saves on limited luggage space. The devices are available in WI-Fi only packages, meaning you won’t have to worry about any hidden charges when using the device abroad. The device also has a handy camera; capture unforgettable memories on your trip of a lifetime.
  2. Word Lens – Docked in a country where you’re struggling to understand all of the language and signs/menus are difficult to read? Use ‘Word Lens;’ a fantastic translation application for your smartphone. Cleverly using your camera device, it translates languages in real time and Offline – no date usage necessary. The initial app is free with limited languages, but other language packs are available for purchase for the intrepid explorer.
  3. Binoculars – Want to get closer to the action? A nice pair of Binoculars will enable a better view of that school of whales and a closer view of the coastline.
  4. Mini power strips – some cruise cabins lack electrical outlets and a power strip will enable you to charge more than just one device at once. Please do check with your travel agent if the use of these are permitted on board your cruise ship, as some liners may have specific rules regarding use of plugs.
  5. A fitness tracker – there are many fitness trackers now available that will measure steps taken and calories burned meaning that for those travellers who are on a health kick, your fitness can be tracked and you can ensure that you’re balancing out trying new and delicious cuisines with keeping fit whilst abroad.
  6. Alarm Clock with Night light – Naturally, it can get very dark on a cruise ship at night, especially if you based in the inner cabins. This device will ensure that you don’t oversleep and miss breakfast and the handy night light will help you navigate your way to the WC during the early hours.
  7. Camera Memory Cards – Any keen photographers may find photo storage a bit of a dilemma on a cruise, with the lack of available photography retail outlets abroad. Make sure you check the format of memory card storage (SD cards are the most popular format) of your camera and stock up on memory cards so you have enough storage on the go. SD card sizes now go up to a whopping 2TB, so you’ll never be short of space.

Have you got any other tried and tested devices that you’d love to recommend to other avid travellers? We’d love to hear from you. Like us on Facebook, or share your stories with us over on our Twitter page.